5 reasons you should start a tutoring business
Have you been feeling the call to start your own tutoring business? Good! That’s a great place to be. Running your own tutoring business is magical for so many reasons.
Have you been giving this idea of running your own tutoring business loads of thought, but there is just something holding you back? We get it, we’ve been there too! We’re here to tell you, now is the time!
There are so many incredible benefits to running your own tutoring business. So. Many. But, we decided to share just the top five benefits we’ve personally experienced in our own lives.
Here are the top five reasons why you should start your own tutoring business:
Meeting your students’ needs
As an independent tutor, operating your own tutoring business, you have the ultimate opportunity to be able to tailor and write lessons that will meet your students’ needs for success. If something isn’t working for a particular student, you can observe it almost immediately and make a plan for change. You have the freedom and ability to adapt to what that individual student truly needs more quickly which saves lots of time and struggle. Being able to provide that for your students is a wonderfully empowering thing. You can help them make the progress they need.
Building Relationships
As a tutor running your own business, you can build close relationships with your students and their families. There is something so wonderful about that one-on-one time you get with each student every single week. Additionally, you really get to know the parents, the siblings, and the pets, too! You get to see your students in their natural and comfortable space. You really become a part of that family’s life and routine. This relationship can be really special, and also something that you might not get inside of a busy hectic classroom.
Focus on your expertise
As a tutor who runs his/her own practice, you get to teach and do what you do best! You can really hone in on your craft and focus on improving in that one specific area. Some tutors focus on the Orton-Gillingham approach, Classical studies, or Speech and Language, the options are really endless. Once you’ve focused in on your area of expertise, then you can exceed your own expectations by going even more deeply into that one area you really feel passionate about teaching.
Earn Extra income
When you start a tutoring practice, you have the opportunity to earn extra income. Woohoo! Even if you are still teaching in the classroom, this is a great way to start a side business where you can control your income potential. Then, if you decide to take your tutoring business full-time, the sky is the limit! There is so much you can do once you learn the skills needed to run a business.
Create your own schedule
When you have a tutoring practice, you have the chance to create a flexible schedule with more freedom! This is probably our most favorite reason to start a tutoring business. You set your schedule, so you are able to create time to meet the goals you want to achieve. You have the freedom to set a schedule that works for you and your family because you are your own boss.
Still not certain if you should start a tutoring business? Check out the How Can Tutoring Fit Into Your Career Plans? masterclass in Members Academy!
If you want to learn more about starting your own tutoring business or if you already have a tutoring business but you have some BIG goals and dreams for where you want to take it, just know, it is possible and there is help available out there for you! You’ve got this!
Do you know what YOUR dream tutoring business would look like? Sign up for our FREE 3-part workshop series “Build Your Dream Tutoring Business” and learn the secrets of happy, profitable tutors. Over 2,000 educators have participated in this workshop, are you next? Sign up here!
I am interested in starting a tutoring business.
Hi! Thanks to TSA, I really see tutoring as the next step in my career. Thank you.
That is awesome!! Congratulations!