5-Step Tutor Business Goal-Setting Plan

With the new year upon us, it’s time to start goal-setting! Tutor business goal-setting is more than simply wishing or hoping for certain outcomes. To make sure your goals are clear and attainable, we suggest that you take time to truly look back and reflect before you jump into the goal-setting process.
This is part two of our Planning For Success series. Before you look ahead at your dreams, take time to reflect on the gifts and lessons from the previous year. Read part one in this series: 5 SIMPLE STEPS FOR YOUR TUTOR BUSINESS YEAR IN REVIEW.
Once you’ve completed your year in review, you can begin to set goals for the new year! It’s important not to leave your goals abstract. We encourage you to get them down in writing to keep yourself accountable.
Are you ready to dream, aspire, and achieve this year? Grab yourself a fun pen, a nice warm drink, and a journal (or, you can get our Planning for Success workbook, part of our Tutor Business Planning Bundle.) Take a few deep breaths and get comfortable.
Setting Intentions for Your Tutoring Business
An intention is an idea that you plan to carry out; an aim or a plan. Some examples of intentions include: “Today, I will be present.” “Today, I will eat healthy things.” “Today, I will be patient.” Or, “Today, I will make conscious choices.”
As a tutor, we suggest you set intentions for your tutoring business. This important step will help you in setting goals for your business in the new year. Before we move into some of the specific goals and intentions we want to set for ourselves, let’s look at the “big picture”.
To help you set intentions for your tutoring business this year, ask yourself the following questions:
- What do I most want to EXPERIENCE this year?
- What do I want to FEEL this year?
- What promise do I need to make to myself this year?
5 Steps to Goal Setting for Your Tutoring Business
Your tutoring business goals are within reach! They are simply waiting for you to achieve them.
Step 1: Set an income goal.
Begin by setting an income goal. Think about it and then write down the number you’d like to earn this year. Think about what this income will allow you to do both in your business and in your personal life. Take a moment to let yourself imagine how you will feel at the end of the year when you see this amount in your business year in review.
- How many hours a week do you want to work? How many actual tutoring hours? How many hours for lesson planning? How many hours for business tasks?
- What do you want your average monthly income to be?
- How can you achieve that monthly income with the amount of hours you want to work? Are the two numbers congruent? If not, what changes need to be made so you can work the hours you want earning the monthly income you want?
If seeing this amount of money in writing makes you feel uncomfortable, try is intention: I am worthy of this income and commit myself fully to welcoming it into my life.
Step 2: Plan investments.
Investments are not simply “spending money”. When you invest in a person, a service, or a product, you are investing in the results in YOURSELF.
Investments can be in time, money, or both. Consider the following questions:
- What different areas and opportunities would I like to invest in to help me meet my business goals?
- How will this investment help me meet my goals?
Step 3: Learn something new.
Reaching new goals almost always involves learning a new skill set. Consider prioritizing your biggest learning goals for different areas of your life.
- What are my learning goals as an educator? What resources do I need to reach these goals?
- What are my learning goals in the area of business? What resources do I need to reach these goals?
Step 4: Look at the numbers.
As you begin a new year, take a look at the numbers and imagine how you want them to grow.
- How many students do I want to work with?
- How many followers do I want on Facebook, Instagram, or my preferred social media platform?
- How many email subscribers do I want?
Step 5: Set boundaries and make decisions.
It is important to set boundaries so that you look after yourself as much as you look out for others. What boundaries do you need to set or maintain so that you can fully honor yourself?
Think about what you need to let go of. Maybe it’s obligations, judgments, fear, or perfection? Release them if they are no longer serving you.
The best way to predict the future is to create it!
Check out our Planning for Success workbook, part of our Tutor Business Planning Bundle, to go through all of the steps to create your best year ever! (We’re currently working through this incredible resource, together, in our Members Academy!)
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