Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences Prep: How to Make Sure your tutoring services are top of mind!

For many school districts, this is the time of year for spring parent-teacher conferences!
As parents and teachers gather over the next few weeks to discuss progress and plans, you want to make sure you and your tutoring services are top of mind for both! What can you do to make sure teachers and families know you are a resource in your community and online?
First, what’s the difference between fall and spring conferences?
Spring parent-teacher conferences are different from fall conferences. At fall conferences, the teacher will be looking for information from the parent about the child both as a student and as a person. This exchange will help the teacher to better understand each child’s needs and the specific strategies that have been successful for them in the past.
Spring conferences are a flip of this. Here, the parent learns more about what the teacher has learned about the child throughout the school year. At spring conferences, families and teachers will discuss how far students have come this school year and if there are any concerns that should be addressed over the summer to make sure the student is poised for success in the coming school year.
If parents are concerned about their child’s progress, it is the ideal time for them to start looking for tutoring services for the remainder of the school year and the summer. As a tutor, this is the time when you really want to shine!
The truth is, as a tutor, you want to remain top of mind at both fall and spring conferences and these tips will work for both times of the year.
Here are 4 actions you can take Before Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences to Make Sure Parents and Teachers Know You’re A Valuable Tutoring Resource:
Action Step #1: Visit the local schools
Do a little research and find out what week your local schools will be holding spring conferences. Then. take some time to drop off brochures, business cards, and flyers with your summer programming to your local schools. If you want to be even more memorable, attach your business card to a yummy treat or to something resourceful like a pencil!
Action Step #2: Make new connections
While you’re there, set up meetings with the school counselor and/or the principal. Introduce yourself to them and let them know who you are, what you do, and who you serve. They will be having important conversations with families during conferences and you will want them to know you as a valuable resource.
Learn more about making valuable new connections! Check out the Powerful Partnerships Training masterclass in Members Academy!
Action Step #3: Reach out to your network
Send out an email to all of your friends with school-aged children. Let them know about your tutoring services. They are likely talking to other parents, and they can share about your tutoring services when they see a friend is looking for somebody. They may even need your services for their own children.
Looking for more community outreach ideas? Read 5 Powerful Ways to Build Your Community Outreach!
Action Step #4: Share on social media
Use your background knowledge to help parents to head into conferences well-prepared. You can do this by sharing a post on social media about how parents can make the most out of their conference time. Include some tips and questions to ask. Don’t forget to remind them that if they are looking for a tutor, YOU are available!
Need more support with social media? Read 3 Tried and True Social Media Tips for Tutors!
As spring conferences approach, get your name out there! There’s no time like now to connect with teachers and families about your tutoring services!
Is there one step you can take right now to connect with families during this important time of the school year?
Want to see how other tutors are getting their services out there during parent conference time? Connect with other private tutors just like YOU inside the Members Academy!