5 Simple Steps for Your Tutor Business Year in Review

2024 is right around the corner! One thing we love to do before any new year is take some time to focus on goal setting. But, if you skip right to the goal setting, you’re missing a key process that can help your business grow – your tutor business year in review! 

Before you look ahead at your dreams, take time to reflect on the gifts and lessons from the previous year.

In 2023, you took big chances, learned lessons, and made choices that paved the way for your future! Take a few minutes to celebrate and reflect on the gifts that the past year brought, so you can look toward the new year of possibilities with gratitude and clarity.

Questions for Reflection

First, grab yourself a fun pen, a nice warm drink, and a journal (or, you can get our Planning for Success workbook, part of our Tutor Business Planning Bundle.) Take a few deep breaths and get comfortable. 

Now, begin by asking yourself the following three questions and record your answers: 

  1. How did you use your gifts to help others this year?
  2. What decisions did you make that had a positive impact on your lifestyle, time, income, or overall happiness? 
  3. What are you most proud of in the past year?

Pause for a moment and look over your answers before moving on. Think about where this past year has led you. 

Your Tutor Business Year in Review!

Next, you want to dig deep into your business and review the numbers. 

Rate your year on a scale from 1-10.

Using a scale where 1 is poor, 5-6 is average, and 10 is excellent, consider how you would rate yourself and your business in the following areas:

  • Income – Did you hit your earning goals each month and for the year?
  • Lifestyle – Are you living the life you’ve always dreamed of?
  • Impact – Are you making an impact on others in the way you’d hoped?
  • Hobbies – Do you have time to nurture and enjoy your hobbies?
  • Self-care –  Did you take care of yourself continually throughout the year?
  • Health – Are you prioritizing your health and living a healthy lifestyle?
  • Family time – Do you spend enough time with your family?
  • Learning and growth – Do you have enough time in your schedule to continue learning and focusing on both personal and professional growth?

Pause and look over your answers before moving on. Think about where you’ve succeeded in your business and personal life and where you have room for growth.

Dig Into the numbers.

Get even more specific by recording and analyzing the numbers around your income:

  • How many hours a week did you work?
  • What was your average monthly income?

Use this information to gather a true hourly rate that represents not just when you are tutoring but also when you are working on your business, as well. 

Look closely at your business stats to asses your impact:

  • How many followers do you have on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube?
  • How many subscribers are on your email list?

Also, take note of your largest business expense this year. How did it improve your business this year? Was there anything else you invested in for your business this year that improved any of the areas listed above?

Again, pause and look over your answers before moving on. Take note of any patterns you are noticing. 

A Few More Questions for Review

After analyzing the numbers, consider these additional questions:

  1. What is one thing you did this year that required you to have courage or step out of your comfort zone? We all make brave decisions. What brave decisions did you make this year?
  2. Who have you built new relationships with this year? This can be both in person and online. Think about how these relationships have been beneficial. Learn more about building relationships, here!
  3. What challenges did you face and what lessons did you learn from them? Release anything you don’t want to bring into this year and feel deep gratitude for all the gifts that last year gave you.

Now, you are ready to dream, aspire, and achieve in the new year! 

Check out our Planning for Success workbook, part of our Tutor Business Planning Bundle, to go through all of our year-in-review steps and goal-setting plan to create your best year ever! (We’re currently working through this incredible resource, together, in our Members Academy!)

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